Thursday, October 20, 2011

Quote of the day! October 20, 2011

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…it’s learning to dance in the rain.”
- Unknown

Talk about a quote that really speaks to a situation! Yesterday, in a need to get inspired, I went to YouTube and picked a random TedX conference, I think it was the Boston one in September, and just started to listen to what people had to say. AMAZING! This is no time to shrink away. This is the time to step up to the plate and take a swing. One of the speakers was from the Awesome foundation. I'm wondering if there is a way to help patients with Alzheimer's through this foundation. Hmmmm.

I saw my Mom yesterday, we had a great day. It's the first time we've talked at all about her diagnosis. I so want to be able to give her a voice and let her know that she is heard. She is an amazing woman.

I also bumped into to her doctor. I felt a lot better about everything once we had chatted. I think I have anger about this whole situation, and it can be so frustrating. I will have to stay aware of that and keep it in check.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

later on October 18, 2011

I have a little time on my hands today. That doesn't happen often now. I want to cherish it, I want to cherish everything. It's so hard not to become consumed by what will be lost. I was just reading the few blog entries I made when my Dad passed. It's amazing to me as I read, what I wrote. It's like we have to learn the same lessons again and over again.Why is loss such a shock?
I looked back at the entries I've already made on this blog. I have to learn that every slip my Mom makes isn't necessarily a step off the cliff into the ocean. There is a level of wanting to be prepared, if you accept the inevitable, then somehow you will be more ready for it. It's not true, you just waste time worrying. I'm trying to teach Olivia about how useless "worry" is. I hope I can help her learn that, I hope I can.

I'm really hurt by the way my Mom's doctor is behaving. I don't know what to make of it. I've always dismissed people when they spoke of how unfriendly the healthcare system is. We've been so lucky and now all of a sudden, when I need it most it is failing me.

October 18, 2011 5 weeks and 1 day

Yesterday was a really rough day. I'm having a terrible time with my Mom's family doctor. I've been told that GP's find Alzheimer's patients really demanding! Are you kidding me?! Of course they are, they are scared and have no idea how to handle their new found predicament!
It's amazing to me how my parents family doctor was so amazing when my Dad was dying and now he can't even fit my Mom in. He isn't ordering tests that the specialist is asking for, and then letting stuff drop through the cracks. My Mom isn't much help. She's cancelling appointments, not telling me about other ones. It sucks so much time out of your day!

I'm off to Dundas tomorrow. I always feel better once I've spent some time with my Mom.